Why would you say that?:lol: Who in their right minds will defend her actions? AnYone out there on the internet care too?:insane: Thank You for...
I use to believe what you do too but I think it would only create a war between the middle east and us. I think this is a no win situation from...
This aint the best part of it either. Just wait until everyones taxes increase, Everyone will have to pay for Obama's shopping spree.
As far as me using War on Terror it concerns with the doing the right things to prevent terrorism in this country. I don't believe in going to...
That isn't what has been said in this thread. That is what you have said nothing more. It is Obama's fault that he didn't see it or call it for...
Approximately three. The dude at Ft Hood and the shoe bomber over Detroit. It seems to me there was one more? Well none of those two. The guy...
Fixing the borders but that wasn't the point if you ask me. The point was that Obama is doing everything wrong when it comes to security and...
Why Chicago Loves Portland - WSJ.com Very Interesting! Quote: "I've always thought America stands for [rewarding success]. You finish high...
Climate change emails between scientists reveal flaws in peer review | Fred Pearce | Environment | guardian.co.uk
It seems to be all over the internet but I haven't found a good source, normal news outlet. It seems like no one is running with this story. If...
I thought it was the Richard Cohen that worked for Clinton or whatever his name was that worked for Clinton. I was mistaken but it doesn't really...
washingtonpost.com I did post this in the military vs civilian thread but I thought it deserved its own thread.
Obama administration is tone-deaf to concerns about terrorism washingtonpost.com
I agree with your post and that is totally where I stand except the fact that I am not sure your idea of tough love would work. I think that would...
I find it hard to believe Les Miles would be let go for any reason under the circumstance, this economy. It sounds like the funds are getting thin...
This reminds me. Have you ever notice everything the left and their media says about the Republicans or even Bush is actually what is true of...
FOXNews.com - States' Secretaries of State Are Tipping Balance of Power
Red and I already had this conversation in another thread.:lol: Anyway It is wrong to have civilian trials for any of these terrorists in the USA...
You are correct with the war in Afghanistan but I guess you could point at Iraq and say that was a conventional war. I was for the war at the time...
Agreed While I may disagree with a decision to go to war I will still back the country and whoever is president. I am for my country winning and...