I think music videos killed music. The song has become a contributing component, not the purpose. Summarized by a great meme (which I can’t find)...
If you want some humorous airport stuff, go to YouTube, search for “Kennedy Steve” a legendary, though now retired, ground controller at JFK....
This belongs in the world is ending thread!
I lived in England for three years. Very close to Wembley arena. One Saturday I was down on the Main Street that went toward the arena. At some...
That’s a shame. That leg, post collision, is a haunting memory.
How in God’s name did you know that site even existed?????
Regrettably, this is the bottom line!
F’ng A. I turned game on Saturday night. The first and only play I watched was the first A&M touchdown. First damn play.
Their time would be better spent practicing.
First of all, I guess I am ol skool in that a team should never put itself in a position for the game to be decided by inept or unfair officials....
G.D . . . Just turned to game. First play, Faggie TD . I hate that shit! Bye.
For Shane: [IMG]
He was running and got hit, low, at knees, but solid, head on. I expect he broke the crap out of his leg. TV did not show replay, but you can...
Read it and weep, deniers. This is from the TRUMP administration. https://nca2018.globalchange.gov/
I recently saw a list, don’t remember what for, possibly 20 busiest. I was surprised I had been to 17 of the 20. I pretty much hate them all.
We l lived for three years about 3 miles from Wembley Arena. And . . . we left London about a month before the Live Aid concert. Was planning on...
That’s easy. When in doing so you price thousands if not ten thousands out of housing they can barely afford now. Or when you add thousands to...
She is dumb as a stump, but she got it right on the Amazon deal in LIC. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut. I noted she wore a red "power dress"...