When you get old, you forget. Kind of remember Gator and Tangerine, too.
Oh, the Sun Bowl snuck in there I guess. Must not have been on TV in North Carolina!
You can certainly thank LSU for the SEC only having one team in the final four. Geaux Tigers!
Though there may be a good trend in college football, I am not aware of it, certainly this is not one!
All you whippersnappers, I remember when there were just four!
Beating the defending national champ is nothing to sneeze at! [IMG]
I know UCF won w/o their injured QB, but I doubt that is sustainable. We expected to be looking for the remote on NYD, they hoped to be in final...
It’s just a different rule book.
Will never understand that fake punt. Really seems like something Les would have done. Wasn’t that a hotsecollarvatbthe goal line? Thought they...
Something about Gumps in the stands. Those expressions! You’d think the existence of mankind was being decided.
Why am I not surprised?
Getting a bit weary of being “the other team” on the ‘Bama highlight clips!
You guys are losing your sense of humor!
Until he can play a game and not give up 70+ points, he needs a little more work as a coordinator!
I don’t care about any of these games, but I would like to have things work out so the “committee” has the biggest shit show to deal with.
WTH is this “Louisiana” stuff. When did they drop the Lafayette? Didn’t they used to be LA Lafayette? Just doesn’t seem right. Are you guys...
One of the many clever sayings I have heard is: ”If the minimum wasn’t good enough, it wouldn’t be the minimum.” I’m afraid 9 - 3 is going to...
Damn, never thought about it like that!
Back in the day, I had many Background Investigations and several Special Background Investigations. Also had a lie detector test administered at...