I was myself but i played against th greats and beat them in the last second everytime
Congrats to all the diehards who stayed at the game tonight. i was out there to whole game. it was brutal in the beginning
jim & coke, abita amber, and natty light, not a good mix...
Re: Why no multi-packs of 24 ounces? I used to work at a grocery store and had to fill beer every tuesday and thursday. we got those cases of...
LSU- A lot Fresno State- A little
Sticking it out during the Dinardo era... True fans always support their team no matter what
We had a game like that but we play it on the basketball court cage..called it cageball, then it turned into free for all. Two teams go on either...
:angry: :mad: calculus sucks!:angryfire :cuss: :po:
At least he's going to a better team.
i saw alley in classs today so he's staying.
We had a game called mat-ball which was a mix between kickball and dodgeball but you had to round the bases, which were those fold out mats for...
http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/18/no.tag.ap/index.html You know, when I was in school, we played tag and usually tackled people to get them. We...
what better way to make my 1000th post by posting about nothing
I think the plaques would be a great idea but, i think we would have to clean up the stadium a little bit before put these nice plaques up
it's growing on me.
Went to the BCS website and found this headline. I hate both of these school so much. http://www.bcsfootball.org/bcsfootball/
thiesman, what an idiot. run it cards and kick the field goal