I've wondered the same thing for years. Seems like an unfair advantage somehow. Besides, it's just PLAIN UGLY! OTOH, until a couple of years ago,...
I just voted. (Can you vote every day on this one?) #32 is now about fourth on the poll. Let's give the man some support - vote early, vote often!
I would think Gator meat will be plentiful and less expensive in a couple of weeks.....
I took the time to listen to the other bands..... NOT EVEN CLOSE! TIGER BAND has the best sound by far!
A fine arrangement, almost reminiscent of the Swor days. Good to hear a little Tiger Rag in there - and a pinch of pre-game, too. The sound was...
Finally! Glad someone outside the SEC finally noticed!
Thanks for the pictures. Looks like it was a PERFECT day to be on campus!
I still think Les Miles likes to play things close to the vest... If he was in a contest to see who had the longest d!ck, he'd only pull out...
Gotta admit that Houston Nutt can get his team up for the big games...... didn't we go through the same thing last November? Not quite....at...
A bitter pill, indeed, but they would deserve the honors if they pass the SEC undefeated.
I'll bet the Dawgs are.....
Tigers need to go back to the solid run game and eat up clock. Also need to keep our D on the sideline for a while. Looking a bit rough on run D...
This is a bit hard to believe.... Once again the question: Is Bama this good, is Georgia this bad or what? I'm stunned. (Think how the Dawgs...
Hope the Tigers are ready for the dogs tonite - there's something in the air this week!
I wasn't thinking along this line, but it would certainly make sense to rest the starters (and get them out of harm's way) if the game is well in...
When it is convenient, I'd appreciate if you could post the image. I like it a lot!
http://www.opensports.com/community/user/blog_entry/650058/85cf8531-6459-4a14-9fe7-4a6e75a0c8f6 Cmon SEC fans, you really dont want any...
OK - I'll take the plunge since no one else has: Tigers 42 Bulldogs 0 We all have our dreams, right? Off - Scott Def - Charles Alexander
Dennis Dodd: Conference games are tougher. Orange hurts their eyes. No one said anything about tackling a munchkin....