I hope Les does not go...I think we have a legit shot at the title next year.
Cheese, couple slices of chicken breast, and a banana with peanut butter spread on it.
UHM...are you poking fun at the announcer??? Cause that jackass didn't know what he was talking about.
Oh yes...yes...good point.
Better than playing Atlanta again.
So what y'all think...another loss tonight to make it a clean sweep and a winless bowl season for B1G
I hear mix things about UT, some tell me they are very friendly, some tell me they refuse to go back. Sorry for the bad experience, the majority...
Didn’t realize you were too lazy to hit a space bar…carry on.
I would make fun of the typo...alas I made it a new year’s resolution to be more tolerant of other peoples typos. Seems like a good Christian...
Wait..the dude that "quit" here has his own place now?
So have we made in new arguments or are we still beating the same dead horse.... ah, appears to be the latter. I'm going back to...
Yes..Abita was the inspiration for the post…and BTW, Samuel Adam's Winter Larger is very tasty.
I should of done it before today...I will be said if cajunsensation does not join
Here is the link ESPN - College Bowl Mania - Group
Crickets..... Well if you want in...and I know it is a little late, I made a group on ESPN.com. Group name is tigerfan.com (I'll change it...
So I'm thinking about starting a tiger fan group for a bowl pick'em on espn.com Is there already a pick'em for the bowls? Would anyone want to...
Drank me some Christmas Ale last night... This years batch be good. :grin:
So he will sit next year and then have one year left at Ole Miss?
Makes since to cut him, Zach and Rivers are both play action QB's. Make Crowton’s option system worthless. Chevis will be at LSU for a long...