Problem being, if we end up taking a 40% stake in Citi and the economy rebounds, I fear government ownership of banking will be viewed as positive...
I woudnt call that entire list silly. Half of it is fact. I didnt know that about Holder, and maybe its not true, but I don't like him anyway...
Somebody was actually wearing "patch" in this day and age? :lol:
I believe number 3 is bullshiit. That Panetta whack job chick says she is not Leon Panetta's daughter.
Is this on TV anywhere?
I think you will hear less and less Bush bashing as time goes on and more authoritative studies are conducted on what unraveled the economy. In...
I wasnt impressed but I wasnt paying much attention to him or Obama. I was listening to the BBall game online. I recorded the whole thing so I...
Link? :wave:
Agreed. :thumb: Its hard to remove the politics but if you really want to examine the why's and how's you need to.
I hope so. :lol:
Could be an expensive lesson. He has a lot of azz to kiss and a lot of impressions to overcome before April.
Did you see some of their demands? Scholorships for Palestinians in Gaza. Money to rebuild universities in Gaza. I hope someone beats the chit out...
I have not see CNBC's program so I cant comment on its contents but if they are "totally focused" on mortgage loan originators, ratings agencies...
:) We've actually come a long way and mainly disagree on one point, what caused the breakdown.
This guy has increased his draft stock immensely.
Re: Negative effect of relaxing net capital rule by the SEC on big banks. From CNN.
That is a 5 page snippet absent of scope with almost no substantive statistics to back up one individuals conclusions. The point I originally...
I discount comments by parties involved in the legislation. They have a vested interest in showing their actions didnt result in this mess. The...
Re: Negative effect of relaxing net capital rule by the SEC on big banks. I dont think this is, or should be, a debate centered around...
It appears the majority of blame for this crisis was put on what happened in 2004 when facts point to the construction of a proverbial house of...