Don't forget about LSU Cow guy :D :D :D
Wow, what a season. A crescendo of manic highs, and frustrating lows. The drumbeat of the talking heads who seemingly either do not comprehend the...
Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this Bullsh!$ three...
Phat, I don't know if living in LA has twisted your impressionable mind, but the BCS worked perfectly this year. It pitted the two best teams in...
ABC has declared any coaches who don't vote USC #1 to be crazy. Do they not realize that there is another game on Sunday? THis blows my mind how...
Look for me. I'll be the drunk cajun on Bourbon St. Oh, but then again there will probably be 1 million drunk cajuns on Bourbon St :D I will have... Breaking news about a 6-9 year old survey of student athletes. Stop the freaking presses.
I'm sorry but I find those posts to be absolutely hilarious. My fav is the one about wearing raincoats becuase we will be spitting Skoal on them....
Look at this. USC's Official Athletics Site. See something wrong with this picture? National Championship game? Huh?
I like cookies...
"I had on my LSU Jacket and I told off a bum in Saf Fran last weekend talking his USC bull. He had the nerve to ask me for money when we got done...
"Largely because of coach Pete Carroll's positive spin put on the situation, the Trojans have remained above the national argument they are at the...
Wow you managed to get away with a wedding for 10 Grand? My bar tab alone was more than that! :cry: I totally agree with what you wrote. I...
If I was a girl I'd be named Squisha.
When the operator asked who's calling, he should have said it was his son, Buster Nutt.
They will be at the Marriot on Canal. Consequently where I am staying as well :D I see you're a Sooner. If you penny lock the players in their...
I wonder if this could be an intramural sport?
This Bathhouse? [IMG]
You might spit your drink all over your monitor! Trojan humor of a different kind... Warning: a tad innapropriate for kids or pregnant women....
I think some of Ramahs post are actually pretty entertaining, but as far as his knowledge of the team.. Well, just read this one and you'll...