Batter was fast. DP with regular runners.
Matulis looking good. Strike zone looking quite nice for the home team.
Trey just got under it as well. One of these innings those balls are gone.
KKK No it's not a radical party. It's the Tiger inning. Go Tigers.
McGriff commenting on how tall all of the LSU pitchers are. Delivery is several feet closer than "short" pitchers. Tigers relievers doing well.
TV at least 8 secs behind Radio. K for Matulis.
Ok. We relieve Ranauldo. Would like to see him work out of this. Oh well. That's why I don't coach. :D
Howdy. Let's do this "old school".
Good PBP Bandit. Radio is several seconds ahead of TV.
Good play by Ga SS. Ends the inning. Left them loaded. Drat.
Bases loaded to Nola. C'mon Tigers.
Mikey took one yard but foul by 20 feet. Then walks.
Ump squeezing the zone.
Georgia pitcher sweating. Commentators stating that Ga bullpen weak so starting pitcher needs to go far. Lots of info ESPN commentators giving....
Hard hit to 3rd. Runners were in motion. So, no double play, only play to 1st, runner on 3rd scores.
You do PBP and I'll commentate. Hit was clear to right field. Runners at the corners. Jared Mitchell being interviewed for the last inning...
Watching ESPNU on directv.
Dean just got under that.
Dual camera replay showed tag made 1 to 2 steps before run crossed the plate. Good call there. Play at 3rd was home field advantage. :D
Got a little home cookin there.