Skip's gotta stay above board when it comes to handling these types of situations. It is a modest raise, as it goes, enough to squelch some of...
Got my copy of the game a couple of weeks ago. I ordered almost as soon as it was available.
I would support that from a nutritional basis. 1-2 drinks per day is good for the heart. Not as healthy as red wine, but healthier than 2 sodas....
I would generally say that a pure juice (not from concentrate) or even a diluted juice (from concentrate) are healthier than soda from the...
While nuke'em sounds like a quick fix, it doesn't work in this case. The Iragi oil is too valuable on the market right now. The balance of power...
Podnuck St and Crayola U winning didn't matter any more than CryBaby St and Light House of the Blind U winning or ND losing. Those games all had...
Floyd took his shot with the NBA just as Pitino did. It turns out that some coaching styles aren't suited for the NBA. Pitino and Floyd are just...
I love the way that Saban continues to manipulate the media into believing that there is no QB controversy at LSU. Randall has stated that these...
It burned me. I had a marginal increase in income. I paid about $200 last year to the state. I am paying $700 this year. Needless to say, Mr....
I hate to say anything positive about Tulane, but the IT guys could learn a few things from the Tulane GameTracker. The link to...
Channel 2 said that a misdemeanor summons for simple battery is equivalent to a speeding ticket. Small fights happen all the time. If it...
My best friend's sister and brother-in-law ate a 40 lb sack last weekend, plus corn, potatoes, and a 12 pack of Miller Lite. Talk about...
someone needs to link that on the beaver smack site.
From your linked article, "As soon as Russell moved to the White team in the fourth quarter, he hit Bowe for a 19-yard gain, and Fisher said, “See...
IMO, one significant reason that Flynn and Russell did not impress was that the corner play by the white team literally shutdown the purple...
Dandy Don stated that Saban will pick (or post) the rosters on Thursday. Might be available on Th or F.
We'll be at the Greek Theater first, then begin moving our party to Tiger Stadium. Our peeps in Houston are already itchin' to head East.
If Smoke would leave the middle infield alone, these guys would be more comfortable, and their bats would follow. I know there were some injuries...
Some will argue Pascal's Manale in NO. I put them second. First place goes to Ruth's Chris (Any La location but BR) has the best BBQ Shrimp.
The problem is that if she ever is found to be "cured" by the resident doctors at the asylum, will she then go to prison, or will she be free on...