I will never complain about the tradition fund again. That is insane.
I'll be there. Bringing 5 and 1/2 with me.
Does this change your mind? http://www.vbizmailv.com/VideoPlayer.php?sr=c&n=21786&v=SpringGame_Miles_Video.wmv
My little girl at 16 months giving her best cheese face at the zoo. [IMG]
I'm not naive enough to think that a running QB couldn't suffer an injury that would keep him off the field. Riiiiiight. And print media has...
Why? When was the last season that the starting QB played in every single game for ever singe snap? I wouldn't read too much into that statement.
Maybe it was the bat girl suit?
If true, my prayers go out to him and the girls family. Not a fun situation.
They have mommy issues.
Most universities do very little to block external sites because of the educational aspect of the internet. Here at UNO they don't block sites...
I had the ribs at Texas Roadhouse yesterday for the first time. They were very good.
UNO always has a good team. They win the occasional big game but seem to get bored with the conference schedule and sink into mediocrity.
It wont do anything to the regular season. Last year being the exception, every other year the SEC divisional races came down to the final...
Hornets win 113-106. They do what those Texas teams couldn't. :wave:
Great game. CP in foul trouble all game. Hornets just went up 94-93 for first time since the 1st quarter. 6 minutes left in the 4th. Were down by...
The Hornets were tricky. They had a lucky spot on defense and another on offense. And they like to run the floor. Luckily one of the lucky spots...
I didn't want to post anything until the game was over in order not to jinx anything. Okie, you can tell Greenie he is welcome.
Bonzi has 25. 88-67 Hornets, just over 1 minute left.
81 - 67 Hornets. Less than 3 minutes to go.
Hes hot right now.