What happened with the Saints talking to St. Louis about the #2 spot? Deke and Bobby were talking about it on WWL yesterday but they didn't have...
I did this last year sometime. Maybe one of the forum search experts can find it. I found it. [IMG]
I love beef jerky too. Oberto used to have something called beef jerky crisps, but for some reason they were short lived. I'm not sure why because...
My favorite snack food used to be Cheeto's Flamin' Hot Puff's, but now I can't find them anywhere in stores. If anybody finds them, let me know....
Especially when all we heard from the media was that OSU was tired of hearing about last year and how slow they were and would open up a can of...
Yeah I meant the start date. :( Can't believe I have to wait all the way until Tuesday to see game 2. Insane when regular season games are usually...
I don't know why we didn't recruit Chris Brown. Look at what he did for that American Idol reject. Imagine what he could do for LSU. [MEDIA]
So is the Hornets and Dallas series.
The Target in Metairie has them. The guy was stocking them as I got to the isle.
So will season ticket holders get plane tickets to London?
When did LSU join I-AA? Ole Miss I understand though.
Somebody put up that map that shows where 98% of I-AA schools are in the eastern half of the country. It makes more sense then.
The thing I love is how people would criticize him for underachieving with the talent he had, and now that he allowed that talent to win games for...
Wow, the guy must be pretty valuable.
If these are the only doubts they have, I'll take it.
If any one is interested in having this video to keep on their hard drive send me a PM and I will send you back a link to download it. I'm...
I think he should be ranked lower than that. I mean he has lost twice to Western Division foes in the three years he has been here. That's .67...
My wife was already pregnant when I joined. So I guess I can't claim mine as part of the boom. Congrats!
I sat behind Byrd's mom. She is probably the biggest LSU fan ever. She is extremely nice and talked to every Tiger fan who made a comment to her...