Hey Reagan Eden, Someone on here posted an earlier question bout Les. Thought you might know. Never seemed to get an answer. Is Les short for...
243 days LSU vs N. Texas Sept 3 7:00 PM http://www.lsufootball.net/countdown.htm
He played DL at :lsup: 1986-89. He was also the asst. strength and cond coach at :lsug: a few yrs ago.
Larry stay home and don't ride your horse into town.
Dinner's ready. lol [img]
Are you sure? I think that's just a rumor going around.:hihi:
Isn't he the new head coach?
Hey Grad, you didn't get the fan's combo kit when you graduated? I'll try and send you a copy. [img] [img] [img]
When I first heard Les Miles name mentioned, I flashed to vision the Texas Tech coach, and thought "I like that, I can live with, thought it might...
Oklahoma St Defense - 2004 stats Rush - 70th 18TD 170yds/game 4.5 yds/play Pass - 73rd 17TD 225 yds/game 7.0 yds/comp pass 11INT Total - 73rd...
I think anything less than 8 will not be accepted as "well it's just his first year, players need to have time to learn the system, etc"....
This was brought up last night. click here --->> $earch Firm Co$t?
That's what it appears to be.... Don't mind spending money if it's used properly.
The food might be just too spicy for them down here. I don't think they like crawfish. [img]
Pretty bad when you have to reply to your own post. lol I just know there's some of you out there that could find out. Just think we could have...
Is that you by the car Goat? lol [img] Sorry that lazy secondary did that to you.
[img] There were some goods years there, but like the saying "What goes down in the well, comes up in the bucket". Took a couple of years for...
3 answers. [img] and [img] and [img] you do the math
Would Utah be running it or another team?
Started to begin this thread. Didn't know how many would want to talk about Utah's Spread Offense. Very smooth. Must have a tough QB to take some...