Who wore #7 ???? :hihi: My wife's uncle lives in Denver area. Very nice place.
Hey Tubby, read this book and take a few bottles of these tablets. [img] [img] ..or just geaux back and watch the freakin tape.
Send him these two as well. [img] [img]
[img] [img] Bet OJ would kill to get some tickets or a sideline pass.
He does say that a lot. :lol: Hey TE, you sure you don't listen to the show that much? ..and where in Denham do you live? Not a street...
29-22 Utah 2:02 1st half I'm not listening, just turned it on real quick. 98.1 FM (BR)
Hey when I was 18, I didn't even know my full name. Not too bad for his age. I'm sure the show will continue to try and improve.
Pic didn't come through, look again. No problem....
It was just a joke to him. No Offense. [img] [img].
[img] [img].
I think that's what everybody was thinking, but not hoping for. Just hope we still have an attacking-style D, and not a laid-back passive one.
Reminds me of Pat (Tie) Dye kicking all those FGs.
np Josh, just some out-of-towners :po: :cuss: :po: :cuss: kinda confused.
Great news, if it's true. :thumb::thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol:...
Yea, b/c she kisses good and she also knows how to... well you know. :hihi:
You noticed Va. Tech didn't call TO, but Auburn just burned their last of the half. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
Liked that play, even if it didn't work. When you run the I, there's so many play-action plays that can come form that.
Good info there. A 4-4 with your OLBs/Rovers walked up is also called an "Under Press" aka a 6-2. A see Va. Tech going to this, usually walking...
Really wasted two. You would think that on the college level, that situation is discussed before it happens on the field. Anticipation is key....