Re: N. Texas may just have to wait You have a husband??!! I thought that you were a MAN! Turns out that you are FEMALE! That is . . ....
I second the motion, and I move the OU be compelled to forfeit the OU/OSU football game for the next five seasons as compensation!
You can't fool me . . . that's a picture of Brett Favre, QB for the Green Bay Packers . . . when did he turn black?
You know what, Cap? I'm with you. I believe that MOST of the successful athletes have used steroids from about 1975 to today. There were very...
This is a sad day for LSU. Sue Gunter will be sorely missed.
I think SF and I agree on our opinion of Nick Saban. Let me sum up my view in a couple of points. * All LSU fans owe a tremendous debt of...
Are you sure that Florida was ranked in 2003 when they beat us? I just watched that game recently, and I don't remember any talk of Florida being...
Oh, man. I'm so relieved. I was completely convinced that OU would take Smoke away from LSU. Now all we have to worry about is Smoke leaving us...
Whew!!! That was a close one. I'm glad that Smoke took his name out of contention. Now if the Yankees fire Joe Torre, I'll start worrying...
I accept your offer to Rescind your National Championship in College Football for the 1957 football season. Given the fact that Auburn won no...
The girl who got hit must be DEAD. Does anybody know how bad she was hurt?
Smoke with be with LSU in 2006. I'm convinced of that.
From what I recollect of your lovely photographs, you could have your pick of either Clinton OR Edwin Edwards. Both are philandering Democrats,...
Yeah . . . WHEW . . . that was a close one. I just hope that we don't lose Smoke to Major League Baseball, just like we lost Saban to the NFL.
How many personalities do you have, Schizo? :D
If our experience and talent level is indeed down next year, then I would not expect Smoke's job to depend on winning a championship next year . ....
I understand how you feel, but I cannot understand those who claim that they are POSITIVE that Smoke is not a SEC-caliber head coach for baseball....
I try very hard to be more open-minded in my ways on things like this, but I find myself constantly returning to your above expressed opinion on...
i am THE MASTER OF THE OBVIOUS!! don't forget that, pal. :hihi: :hihi: