I'm surprised the security people along the lines don't have big jugs of mace. I imagine approaching Bonds is like approaching a pitbull or a...
Don't forget about David Lee and Rolando Blackmon off the bench too. If they could get ANYTHING for Crawford (as a PG) and get a 2 guard, I...
I'm sure some reporters cover Iranian Stoning of Infidels too. Doesn't mean they should be proud of it, or use their real names. That example...
You are absolutely right. The Blazers have gone from a joke to the most loaded franchise in the league for the long term. Amazing what can...
Oh, and y'all are right about the Howard and Thome relationship. It's terribly frustrating as a fan to see the best years of some young talent go...
Berkman and Pujols have launched some balls at the Juice Box. Berkman hit one as a righty that seemed to be elevating when it hit the glass above...
Still some work to do, but should be a solid starter. Hell, consider how most Kansas players turn out in the Association. I thought this was an...
You should be more specific. There might be a WNBA practice going on. :eek:
Of course as a huge fan of the The Association, I tivo'd the NBA draft, and loved every minute (except what my teams did.) That's including...
Hopefully the HoF committee will keep Bags in their mind, 'roids and all. Of course Biggio is a lock. And you're right about his attitude --...
So I guess OKC won't have two teams now? That's probably a good thing.
If my aunt had a dong, she'd be my uncle. And while I think you could be generally right, there are also a ton of red flags that go against...
Especially after they realize that Roethlisberger isn't very good, and need 150 yards/game out of Willie. A second round pick for him seems high...
Fair enough...other than the fact that the Lakers have made the playoffs the last two years -- in the tougher conference. The year after Shaq...
All track stars should be broke, as their "skill" shouldn't be marketable. DO YOU HEAR ME TRINDON!!! :hihi:
:rofl: :rofl: I didn't list Odom, since I had already discussed him at length. Depends on which Bulls team. Early Bulls run, I would take...
I'm still trying to find the few good players on the Lakers team. :hihi:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/22/AR2007062201782.html Sad story, 36 years old, his whole life ahead of him with a...
Richard "The Hack" Justice of the Houston Chronicle thinks Jones' $800K to $1M asking price is a bargain....
Y'all are both right about Lebron. Some of that is he's more image-conscious than Kobe (and MUCH better at cultivating it), but an equally big...