Oh, and they said earlier that they had to confiscate some knives off of the people entering the River Center.
I also heard reports of someone being robbed at gunpoint at the Central Wal-Mart as well as a carjacking in Zachary. This is nuts.
I dunno where they came from, I just know they're refugees that were in the River Center. We're on lockdown here downtown and they have armed...
There is some truth to the things, though. My understanding is that the refugees were giving some of the people going to work at the court a hard...
I work downtown for the state and in my building there was a quick wave of mass hysteria... they even had people driving by in state vehicles...
Well, the Saints DID play in Tulane stadium before the age of the SuperDome.
In the press conference this morning, U.S. Senator Landrieu said that there is nothing that is going to halt rescue attempts and evacuations.
I dunno, New Orleans is the 31st (only edging out Green Bay) smallest market in the NFL. Looks as if they won't get another team once the Saints...
Benson is going to use this as his excuse to move the team.
You can still upgrade Student Tickets to guest tickets for 29 bucks... but, it has to be done the Friday before the game. Also, the new tickets...
No, they're still sucking Tennessee and Florida's peepees. They did cover the new coaches in the SEC... just haven't made it to the LSU segment yet.
Just a head's up: The 2005 SEC preview (as done by Jefferson Pilot sports) is on CBS here in Baton Rouge right now. Here's the air time schedule...
I'll let you have the Color the Weather t-shirt I won from WAFB in the 5th grade.
They say Mike the Tiger's hungry for some ass tonight.
Wasn't it Crawfish that got schooled by Saban last year?
I'll be going to all the home games and whichever away game the student bus trip is for (probably Ole Piss).
Not quite the number one ranking like we had before, but it'll do. LSU in top 20 party schools By Jeff Jeffrey Chief Staff Writer August...
Aww yeah, here we go again. New year, same position battle By Jeff Martin August 23, 2005 From the battles of Rohan Davey and Josh Booty...
The return of the fall semester means the return of me pointing out student articles. Here goes. Perrilloux becoming more media savvy...
I remember a year ago how badly we were going to beat Oregon State. I try not to think LSU is going to steamroll anyone.