How is the competition unfair? It seems to me they are able to operate more lean than restaurants, but I don't see how that is unfair, just more...
You should hit the Food Truck round up on Wednesday nights. Usually 7-10 trucks show up, so you can sample from several or get a meal from one....
Yes. I am not able to self insure for an indefinite period of time. My wife has been out of the workforce for 5 years, and could not get a job...
Longer elimination period, smaller benefit, plus a group could easily drop the price. If you go the bullet to the head route make sure you have...
Are you buying as an individual or a group, how old are you, and what kind of elimination period are you talking about? I'm 30, buying in a...
I don't carry Short Term Disability, because I can self insure for at least 6 months. Long term is a necessity, in my opinion, especially if you...
Why don't they just pass a bill to raise the prices at Taco Bell?
Then Nola walks. Come on Jaboy!!!
Tyler Moore!!! HOMERUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coke is the very reason I have a spare tire even though I swim everyday. I drink at least 4 Cokes a day. I would rather have the gut than give...
The Protomen covering Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.
When I sold my shares last friday, net of fees and taxes, I made about 15 bucks. Which works out to about a dollar a share. I really thought...
If you don't smoke or sell crack New Orleans is perfectly safe. If you are involved with crack you have a much higher chance of getting murdered.
A sixteen league makes it easier to keep traditional rivalries alive, but like red, I would be fearful of being stuck in the non SEC division.
So was Kentucky.
quote="Tom Callender, post: 1261353, member: 10537"]This may be a dumb question & it may be in the wrong place (if so sorry). Why are Junior...
I don't like the idead of 4 team divisions. That would have us in a division with teams like A&M, Arkansas, and either State or Ole Miss or...
For all those saying Freddie Mercury... I want to introduce you to Raul Panther III lead singer of the Protomen. Similar range, but he goes lower...
I'm seeing if I can make enough to buy a sack of crawfish. It is mos def not an investment. I just like to gamble.
I wouldn't go long in it, but I bought a 15 shares at 39.07. We'll see how I do by day's end.