He changed three plays at the LOS vs. Vandy......
Have fun Forrest! :lol:
no screening the calls..... good thing tirk is one of the host because he would have to call in twice a show like he does anyway on each and...
O, so you're already calling in sick? GD, you're supposed to be the talent adviser. Tirk is in charge of picking up the beer and nachos.... I'm...
grad, tirk and myself are starting our own podcast called the "geaux sheaux" our first guest will ba a naked stripper from the gold club...
leave grad alone, he's just a nerd. the poor guy almost had a heart attack when he was corrected yesterday about his non-hdtv on the roundtable....
I was there too. I almost fell asleep watching it....
We did play Vandy last year...... Sat, Oct 30 Vanderbilt Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium) W, 24-7 STATS
it's a keeper......... start P. Manning? lmao
The show was good but why does fish read everything he has to say? Unless that's the way he talks all the time, like he's reading something.......
I better call Cox and tell them to give me half off of this months bill. :hihi: They'll blame it on Katrina anyway....... it just finished....
It's been downloading for about 20 minutes. 35% downloaded and i have a great connection through cox.....
TNT is on the Lair with TigerEducated I wish TNT would pay us a visit.... :lol:
LSU Lester will lead us to Atlanta for both the SECCG and the Sugar Bowl
Re: Sourdoughman They let him back on the Tiger Lair
I wonder if gradin99 has one of those helmets that can hold his laptop in front of his face 24/7?
Sick of analyzing and making excuses. Bottom line .... It's time to execute and win. We can salvage this season and win 9-11 games if our...
5 4 3 2 1........
Re: Sourdoughman Maybe clair will lend Gradin99 is #11 doll this weekend.... We got to get you off the internet for at least 5 minutes this...
you seriously need a hobby.... make sure you return my shovel in the same spot you found it in my shed......