Kinda along these lines... Did anyone else watch the Greta segment on Fox last night when she was interviewing friends of Palin up in Alaska?...
I have a pool and I know how to make jello!
That's the biggest load of crap you've ever posted as a rebuttal red. Look up the facts of that sorry piece of journalism and you'll see for...
Because it's different than what I'm pointing out. Duh! :hihi:
Let's all just pray it moves a little further south and beats the **** out of the mexicans!
Who took the restraints off the mortgage industry? Who insisted that they make loans available to everyone, or subject themselves to heavy...
Now we fight.
It's not that they just wanted to expand home ownership. You're right, that's a commendable idea. What I am trying to point out is they (The...
:grin: I was replying to the last line of your post where you acknowledged that Bush screwed things up. In this case, he didn't screw it...
Surely you wouldn't base your entire opinion of Palin off of one person's email... I hope nobody would be that stupid.
Never said they didn't. As a matter of fact, I criticized the Bush administration for allow this mess to continue after he took office. It still...
No..not another typical thread. I have given you undeniable proof that the collapse of the mortgage industry started with Clinton and his...
Here's your former HUD secretary under Clinton... Pardoned by Clinton, convected felon Henry Cisneros [IMG] So, their plan to fix...
Quote the whole thing. This is from an individual who openly admits to being on Palin's bad side. A person who has a grudge against Palin. You...
From Nancy Pelosi.... And now the Big Bail Out... [MEDIA] Please! Please! Watch the below video....
And...once you break something, you have to try and fix it... Emergency Home Ownership and Mortgage Equity Protection Act of 2007 -...
I felt this deserved it's own thread... The reasons for the collapse are evident. The drive for home ownership during the 90's, and first part...
So you like the idea of socialized medicine...Everyone should have "free" health care you say? Read the comments below the main article. I...
Elect Obama and you're putting this SOB in control... [IMG]
Obviously you haven't read up on the new, multi-national, agreement to rid the world of poverty or to treat everyone in africa with aids. We're...