I'm just messing with red. I'm sure he knows it...:thumb: I still believe he's a scum sucking lib though.
Question...what's that one white guy doing up on stage? Did he get lost on the way to Congressional White Caucus meeting...oops, I forgot, there's...
But you're not a scum sucking liberal democrat.....:hihi: Red-"I tell you all...I'm an independent!" BEEEEP!
Haven't people been making a big deal that this town only had about 9,000 people living in it? I ask you...how many freaking rapes could a town...
:hihi: I score one point to tirk...I'm sorry. This shouldn't be a laughing matter...but that's some funny ****.
Re: Must see video! Pulls the curtain back to reveal roots of current economic crisis To use your words...what a load of crap! Do you watch...
So be it.
Slow down...My brother would like to bid on this! :hihi:
I've already made my position clear. Let it run it's course. It can, and will, fix itself. We will suffer. Many, many people will be out of a job....
Bull****. I currently manage a mortgage company. I once owned a business that dealt in the secondary market. Just where are you getting your...
I was just looking at that. She did vote against the bill. I'm sure she and I would disagree on about 90% of the issues...but on this, we're in...
Another poll... Post Week Five Southern Power Poll [IMG]1. LSU Record: 4-0 Next: Off [IMG]2. Alabama Record: 5-0 Next: Kentucky [IMG]3....
Maybe we're just screwed....:rofl: [MEDIA]
I'M MAD AS HELL!!! [MEDIA] That is some strong language from a female democrat! Wow! Something tells me that she voted NEY! Also,...
So Rex...are you open to joining efforts in Florida? They say there is strength in numbers. We've got some pretty good tailgating supplies and...
If the stupid bitch had waited a couple of hours, she could have given her speech after the bill passed. She's pretty f*cking stupid...:hihi:...
:rofl: You're joking right. This has to be sarcasm... Bad debt will become good debt? If only that were true. This bill was nothing more than a...
I agree 100%... Edit: I still wouldn't vote for RP...:hihi:
Thanks...I love her too!
No way a relationship can take something like this. Try this...hit him over the head with a bat. When he wakes up, if he still thinks 'bama is...