i think thats tranny dimensions.
he did conveniently leave out VT, and the VT AD did use the "at this time" qualifier
only 9 of 12 sec teams have to vote yes, so it doesnt necessarily matter what one school thinks vt is out if you believe their ad "not even...
its not so much that you (we) do bad things---fall of man / original sin and all. not sure most christians know of that doctrine though.
the better stat is that 80% of US high school students, right now, cant find Great Britain on a globe. or that 50% of Christians think you need...
slive is trying to break up both tx and nc to get tx, txam, vt and unc. i doubt he can do it but we'll see.
its money, not just wins. tx has been avoiding revenue sharing in the b12, but theyll have to share in p16, b16 or sec, so some other way they...
should really ditch, MSt OM and Ark. the arent real competitive, they have no markets, they arent good schools (especially the MS schools). the...
god cant keep the nonbelievers from hell if he wanted to. he is how he is, he cant be different. he is not all powerful as most think. hell...
seems like the tx schools are a package deal. i think weve all heard about it, but i never knew the mechanism behind it. all the Tx schools are...
i would love txam to get in. theyd be a top academic sec school. they are a good rivalry for lsu and they are great to make fun of.
im ok with it if it leads to a playoff. 4 superconferences. each division winner gets a spot. otherwise, the sec should just leave the ncaa....
uh oh. that would likely mean that the P10 got its wish of a BCS bid for each division winner.
i dont think theres much benefit for the sec to add houston, and to a lesser extent, GaTech. the SEC already has a good hold those markets. more...
first Orrin Hatch (R)-Utah now Chuck Grassley (R)-Iowa. "U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa said Wednesday that he and other federal lawmakers...
the sec doesnt need anymore top fb programs. it has 6. the pac10 needs more because they have 3 at most. big11 needs to add a team to get a...
tried watching nba again. didnt get very far. my god, the games suck. way too many whistles. i'll try again in a few years.
not if you do it from the employer side.
sadly blues is dead because only white people play it anymore (unless they are over 60). my favorites are Muddy Waters (and its not even...
detain all that are swimming the river.