gasol, bynum and odom were 10-29. wallace was 5-11 and none were gimmies. he didnt rebound, but from my days in portland i never remember that...
its not ridiculous, he's just mad---at everything.
he has a thing for michelle.
its necessary but not sufficient, otherwise perot wouldve gotten elected.
i watched the game. figured there arent many game 7s with lsu tigers. i was pulling for boston but agree with MM about the calls. i...
Re: United States Vs England-World Cup 1:30pm CST what do you mean? you cant tie. are you talking about the equally bad kicks at then end of...
see post 831. still slow, but not 53 days slow.
Re: United States Vs England-World Cup 1:30pm CST im with you. seems to me that people that love soccer arent competitive, which makes little...
of course not. they were wrong, hands down.
you really think there arent police brutality cases that arent handled later?
seems to me the two bumps in that graph are from 9/11 and the 08 financial/housing crash. neither can easily be blamed on the actions of congress...
evidently did accept help over 2 weeks ago. i didnt know. "In late May, the administration accepted Mexico's offer of two skimmers and 13,779...
well, several republicans are bitching about a shakedown. did bp shake themselves down?
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill im not a lawyer so i dont know if bp has been violated, but this thing wont be legally finalized for 20...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill " Rep. Joe Barton , R-Arlington, apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward on Thursday morning for the "political...
wont be a 20pt game at halftime though.
why not take a few steps back and pull out the pistol? no one gets hurt. but im sure people would be whining about police brutality anyway....
Re: Switzerland Beats Spain i thought they were neutral?
what many arent saying is that UTx really got what it wanted in losing Neb and Co---no conf cg. basically the annual red river winner goes to the...