seems prudent to me, not left wing. politics shouldnt play into this. start another thread if you want to talk about the global warming/cap n...
are you for real? someone that uses oil has no right to complain about an oilspill?
so all that stuff about emergency plans of all companies being crap isnt true or relevant?
sure but did it not expose the likelihood that the other companies kinda flying blind?
wow! mine's less than half that for the same size house (at 76F). i do get up to $300 in the winter though (at 68F).
i hope you are right. but this does not address the ability of many countries that do not like us to cut our oil imports in half. not only would...
i pay .06 if i avg. not sure if its top tier or not. im in a coop (damn socialists:cuss:).
but will it hurt more than another deepwater horizon spill? i know there were numerous factors that came together to cause this, but clearly...
that doesnt make sense. of course you need many inspectors (that actually do their job) but you also need other things in place (such as...
its not because of Democrats, its because of the people of Louisiana.
having all the inspectors in the world doesnt mean the bop will work or the shear rams will work.
the whole idea is to limit demand. if you increase the price less, demand is higher. i dont know why the $ would have to go thru gov....
calm down. this isnt about you. its an interesting excercise about public policy. i would never change my mind based on one persons...
UNC's Barrington Edwards Suspended -- NCAAFB FanHouse surprise surprise, underwhelming at unc.
to protect the very poor that couldnt handle inflation even if they could reduce gas consumption. absolutely, but i dont think highspeed rail is...
its not MY plan. im just offering my opinion on the post. i think it wouldnt be armaggedon like i think many do. people would adjust and the...
most wont pay it but will change their driving habits. i did write "as long as the price change is gradual"--that is key. it would be...
i think its a good idea as long as the price change is gradual and there are gov subsidies for certain industries (eg trucking). society could...
the US obligation to make sure the MMS and oil companies know what they are doing is paramount. because, evidently, neither knew what they were...
they probably just wanted to put an american as the face of bp