earlier you wrote he just wants votes (which i could successfully argue is a good thing). so which is it?--votes or far left?
i dont think he's just out for votes. i really think he wants whats best for america, but his "best" and your "best" are quite different.
thats not what the conservative journalist wrote. "no one has produced actual evidence that any voters were too scared to cast their ballots"
i question the wisdom of quite possibly pissing off the race that will soon be the majority in this country. i was exaggerating though, we all...
hey, people have been crossing that border illegally since it became a border (that was before 1990 btw).
and they are going to end up more backwards than mississippi
you coonass
the negative being that voter intimidation didnt happen? usually to win a case they have to prove a positive (like voter intimidation did happen)
why do you think they arent more secure? was there some big wall that the didnt teach me about in civics?
since we're here, would you mind explaining to me what "cracker" is supposed to mean. whats the stereotype thats being ridiculed?
like, this from the National Review of all places, "Perhaps the Panthers should have been prosecuted under section 11 (b) of the Voting Rights...
damn, man, might as well debate creationism. i just got a few lines into your post before i realized what a pos it is.
you are incapable of that.
i cant stand it (i.e. you). aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!
wars can be about survival, not politics. (but why a guy thatll never put on a uniform is telling you this, i dont know.)
not really, warren wasnt talking typical, but a real person. that example has real value even if it isnt typical. but if you look at...
not all get many deductions. my mom used to make 50-70/yr in sales years ago, and got taxed like crazy because she didnt save, no dependents and...
[IMG] he looks pissed.
yes she pays a higher rate. that was the whole point. i dont know the numbers but hypothetically---- secretary making $90,000/yr income + $0...
what does this mean? of course the world isnt perfect, thats why we come to free speech alley to bitch about it. should the rich pay more...