If Hannibal was able to cross the Alps with some damned elephants a millenium ago, there's no reason we can't bomb the fool out of that region...
Wichita State appears to be trying to prove the point that cheaters never win. :hihi:
Red's right on this one. The problem with open diplomacy is that some people are incapable of participating in it. The bottom line is that the...
Teams can sometimes land a true diamond in the rough at minimal cost, like Charlie Casserly's STEAL of Tony Hollings, using only a second round...
http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2933641 Wow, perhaps I was more right than I had hoped... Funny that they would make a big deal...
This could be a landmark trade. I'd have to look at their rosters to see what makes the least sense, but I'm sure these two can add 2+2 and get...
"The Wolf is Loose" - Mastodon Finally my iPod got off it's Harold Melvin kick. A lot of Fleetwood Mac too. Damned thing has a mind of its own
That would have been the steal of the century. Neither of those Astros can hit better than your average high schooler.
I can only imagine the screwjob that Purpura's got in mind. Actually, I can't imagine it. Considering what he got in the Rockies deal, he'd...
"Satisfaction Guaranteed" -- Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes
Keep a close eye on the guy in the Reyes jersey. It's only a matter of time before Rickey takes matters into his own hands in order to show that...
I really thought you two would agree on this topic. :rofl: In all fairness, I have a hard time taking the Catholic church very seriously when...
Hit 'em up - 2Pac
Ciron Black
Re: ESPN is reporting the NCAA to announce possible sanctions against OU today... (l I thought this was odd: "A lesser-noticed provision in the...
It wouldn't surprise me. Defense attorneys generally hate working in that county, and Lord help you if you're a defendant there with an appointed...
I saw "Williamson County" in that article, and thought it was the one by Austin. Man, if that had been the case, they would have thrown him UNDER...
USC's 3-Peat doesn't count? :rofl:
I'm going to go with roast beef (can't believe you can get Manda's cajun roast beef here!) and swiss sandwich, with some ramen on the side.
Damn homey, tiger bait for whom? Dude's out of D-1 eligibility now.