I know what you meant by it, I was just nitpicking because I like to be right.
Actually that was written to Baptists in Danbury, Connecticut, 1802, not congregationalists and the Baptists were being persecuted because they...
Martin, I agree with you. Even though I am a pretty conservative christian I don't think there should be a prayer at the inaguration. Religion is...
Tell me, why would the Saints draft a DT and not an OLB or a CB?
Red did you know that even with all the talk about the budget surplus with Clinton the national debt still grew during those years? US national...
What tigereducated types short messages? That coupled with the snow in New Orleans pretty much means Hell has frozen over and the world will soon...
papaj703 on yahoo but i never use it. I use aim, MFin G I M P.
That darwins pond thing was awesome. After I read that post you made I went and found it online to download. Probably one of the coolest things...
[IMG] I love it, "Widen the Income Gap"
The pictures on that site are the funniest thing, "Blood for Oil" and "Reelect Karl Rove" I love satire. Thomas Jefferson is my favorite...
Ha, how funny is this site. They even have the Monopoly guy on the link to buy tickets to their "ball" Billionaires For Bush
Barbara Boxer's comments on why she is doing what she did.
Charities Report Record Donations Our government may have only given $350 million, not to mention the $6 million a day they are spending not...
I think if Clinton ran she would get almost 100% of the woman vote and the minority vote. However, I don't think any Republicans would vote for...
http://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/01/07/fundraiser.indicted.ap/index.html I can't wait for her to run for President in 2008 just so she can...
I agree with you to the extent that the federal government is far to big and powerful. The Founders never wanted this to happen so they introduced...
I saw on FoxNews as I was flipping through that the US is spending $6 million a day in manpower and from use of our naval carriers and whatnot,...
Giving foreign aid to disaster victims is a lot different than giving it to countries who hate us but want our money anyway. CParso you are...
I don't have any facts to back up what I believe even though I do believe in creation. However, I don't dismiss the big bang and evolution as a...
Oh well, it made me feel good while the rumor lasted.