This is rich coming from the world champion question begger and bar raiser. In fact, in this case you are the one committing the ad hominem...
You are jsut being obtuse. It is common knowledge that the act contains a tax surcharge for 200K/250K single/married filers. There is also an...
The mandate just doesn't have much teeth. If you don't get insurance you have to pay a fine. However, you can't be forced to pay the fine....
We have been killing the specs in the shallow bays around Madison in lower Terrebone Parish. People are also doing well fishing in Bayou...
If businesses are paying above minimum wage then that is proof of the ineffectiveness of price controls and the effectiveness of free markets. It...
This debate is being so thoroughly dominated that it is laughable. From this I am to understand that price floor is the equilibrium wage...
This whole Fast And Furious thing is a huge win for Obama. the stupid fuck Republicans don't even see it. Every headline this thing gobbles up...
I have seen six different species of snake in my yard. I have seen garter snake, a speckled king snake, a cotton mouth (dead), a rat snake, a blue...
So the government has been such great stewards of our treasure, by running up 15 trillion in debt, that your solution is to let them take more of...
People keeping more of their money is great reason. Government isn't entitled to it.
No it isn't. This is entirely wrong. A balanced budget (where revenues and expenditures are equal) will result in a paid off debt when debt...
If Washington had continued the fiscal discipline excercised in the 90s government surpluses would have been terrible. They would have needlessly...
That only matters if that 2000 peak some how represented optimal collections. Because the government was taking in too much revenue (surpluses)...
Ummm dude. After falling in 2002, tax collections rose every year until the great recession started. They eclipsed pre-tax cut collections in...
It doesn't matter how many times I post this. You will never click the link and will keep demanding proof. Here for the second time in this thread...
No. I linked to the articles (which in turn link to the CBO reports that verify my fact) in my original post. You asking me to support claims I...
He might be telling the truth, technically, but he is doing it in a way that is intellectually dishonest.
It isn't a claim. It is a fact, and its one that I provided the data to support. Aside from that, you even asking the question shows you don't...
This is entirely incorrect. When Republicans say 50% pay no federal income taxes they mean 50% pay no federal income taxes. One out of every two...
As I have shown countless times, CBO data demonstrate that effective tax rates increase as you climb the earnings latter. The wealthiest 1% pay...