and dad.....
Someone tell Skip to stop posting on Auburn's board.... :hihi:
Clair, i have traveled the world, had the best women, made paper airplanes out of $100 bills and flown them off the Sears Tower.... here's my...
sounds like you know the place well..... Are you asian? Do you have any teeth? hmmm...... btw, 4 quick rings means the feds are are on their...
he's right..... any female chinq's with teeth need not apply.........
i'm tirk's dad, so stfu.... stop by my motel if you need a place to stay. You can mapquest my place. It's called "Staring Motel" btw, it's a...
did they put the sos back into the bcs? i thought they removed it last year.......' I know the computer polls use it, but the actual "sos"...
Re: T.S. Wilma btw, our poster "jvincent25" lives right in the middle of the projected path..... he gets a pass froim watching the game on...
Re: T.S. Wilma well, you stay home and watch the weather channel while we're all either at the game or watching it on espn.......
I take it Bama chicks aren't trashy enough to work at your strip club? :eek: Former AU cheerleaders probably fit in just fine at your...
u really got me u crazy boy...... we know you'll bust a nut when RP's time "arrives"
How gay
I'll play along If my aunt had nuts she'd be my uncle.....
What is "it"?
I think you've been smelling your friends butt again..... :hihi: I'm certain Saban developed 99% of the players that are getting the PT this...
Re: Brad Edwards quote on the BCS If the SEC champ doesn't make it to the Rose Bowl, they'll represent the SEC in the Sugar bowl, which is a...
I was there. It was by far the loudest it's ever been in Tiger Stadium. I was about 11 at the time. I still remember leaving the stadium talkin'...
First we had to drag it out of you that you didn't graduate and play basketball with RP at ESJ....... Just take your correction and move on........
So if he plays well vs. North Texas in mop-up duty he takes JR's job? :hihi: