It's Game Day! GEAUX TIGERS!
Take a look at this crap from Soros. One world government and the "Bubble of American Supremacy"....
Barack Obama, who lamented Friday that “we have not managed our federal budget with any kind of discipline,” is nonetheless promising to spend $50...
That preacher man is very entertaining.
True...Bush did little to correct the issue. For that I fault the man...but what we are experiencing right now was set in motion well before Bush...
Ron Paul is insignificant. Some things he says may be worth listening to but the man himself is insignificant. He is unelectable and is only in...
Welcome to the board. I suggest Walk-On's...
Throw down in the quad? What did I miss? :huh: Edit: Never're explaining now....:rofl: Lil Mac!
Welcome to the board. A quick google search didn't pull up anything. If you find some, let us know. I've got memories also of sitting in...
I bet it's the same place they get the money to pay for all the HIV medication given out in Africa...and it's probably the same place they get the...
At this point, even when I do bring her to a game, you guys will all say I rented her...:hihi:
I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. If one of them is if you should go to work in the industry...the answer is NO! :hihi: I'm...
Are you disputing the information in the article? :tigereye:
How about beer and hamburgers?
:rofl: Holy Crap!
I want to see Neil Cavuto interview Obama. Now that would be interesting... [MEDIA]
Since you asked dummy.... Sorry to copy and paste my answer...but I really...
I already said I would be glad to....:thumb:
See...I'm not the only one who has noticed something strange. :hihi: From where I sit in the SEZ, all I can see is that he's doing a little dance...
As if you did. It's been pointed out numerous times that there are several different "Bush Doctrine's".