Was that "uh", or "duh"? I've never had to remeber something, is that difficult to do? Well, that was part of the question jerkoff....
I was ranting a few weeks ago about how cool it would be for LSU to snag an active NFL head coach in Del Rio, and that it would probly be a first....
Poydras/S Rampart again?
Here ya go: http://tigermania.net/lsubandcd.aspx Or send me your email address via a PM, I can shoot you a few mp3's
Check this link for more info: http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/buckeye-football/604080-lsu-fan-recommendations-your-visit-nola-game.html As...
It would let me vote only once, must be something wrong with it.
yep, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words :lol:
It was obviously taken at the SECCG a week ago. And whoever it is sure as hell had a better seat than I did.
Sorry, don't have time to read the thread but allow me to put these ridiculous rumors to rest. I assure you all there ain't no division at Bama....
I feel your pain, believe me, I really do. After the Florida debacle, Ohio St fans are gonna have to simply suck it up. Your team laid a huge...
"Man love for Les" thread.
What was the question?
I could barely skim through but I didn't see anything to back up either of her initial claims. She simply doesn't "believe", that's not enough to...
Cool, I'm there already.
Paste a youtube link, highlite it, and then click on the blue "M" to add the media tags. [MEDIA]
I dunno, didn't see it. They must've been deleted. We have some LSU trolls here who do the same thing, just don't make the mistake of responding...
For the LSU's last BCS championship game, HATT had the parking lot at the southeast corner of Poydras/South Rampart. It was insane but I'll save...
Welcome, great first post. We've got a great month ahead of us, lot's to talk about. What do you think of tOSU's schedule compared to LSU?
Or even when you're not finished :) I've waisted incredible amounts of time this season.
Thanks, every school has idiot fans. I personally think Pelini should leave immediately, he has recruiting issues and he wouldn't have the time...