Like flies to honey....or martin to a Mo Isom thread.
We missed you, sweetheart. Funny how you don't have time to entertain us, but you manage to show up not even a day after I mention you in a post....
Don't waste your time. You can't have a rational discussion with a troll by definition.
You should have been around for the SabanFan era. He elevated that stuff to an art form. Speaking of trolls, anyone hear from southerntgr...
They can, but not without ESPN running front-page stories for a week about the sexist pig HC of the LSU football team.
Thanks for bumping this, martin should be gracing us with his presence shortly.
I also heard a rumor 2 years ago that Les was headed to Michigan. Does anyone have an update on this?
Oh no! Not him! Season's over, guys.
Please, no more details. You're killing me with all these specifics.
Not sure what to read into that. Les always seemed to indicate that the OC role is pretty fluid within the staff.
You might want to have a chat with McCarron and Barrett Jones about that.
Your theory is about to be put to the test since Urban is banning it at tOSU.
Regardless of his socioeconomic circumstances, a player like Mathieu is a volatile presence on a team. When he channels that aggression and...
Looks like linear algebra, not the easiest math subject in the world.
And this happened back in 2010. Screw the CIA, I want Bama keeping our national security secrets.
If you're an LSU fan, for the love of God stop wearing Bama colors in your sig pic.
And whaddaya know, right before 5pm.
Don't get your hopes up. There will be a deal signed on Friday afternoon at 4:59.99