The muffed return was the final nail in the coffin, but that call reversed call was crucial. It would have given OU a first down in what appeared...
Yes, but it wasn't Oregon St, it was Oregon.
It just amazes me that one botched call could have costed them a chance to play for the NC.
Did anyone else see that reversed call by the refs that should not have been. It was clear to me, and everyone else in the room, that it was a...
Or you could look at it this way. Florida may be a little more banged up after having played a tough Auburn defense. Advantage, LSU.
You must be referring to Florida Atlantic and Central Florida.
I also have a confession, I sometimes pee sitting down. J/K Go and have a good time, I want to experience as many gameday experiences as...
We're splitting hairs here.
Per rivals: Broussard- 4 star Vincent- 5 star Addai- not sure
Everyone knows that coaches don't go to rivals and scout to look at stars, you aren't saying anything I don't already know. My simple point was...
I'll take the "hype" then, it seems to be working out for us... K. Williams- 5 stars Early Doucet- 5 stars R Perrilloux- 5 stars T....
Either that or Ramah is lurking again.:hihi:
This should be unanimous.
Not even you buy that statement.
I'm never one to imply that a player's star rating is always accurate, but in general, a player that is given 4 or 5 stars has shown something on...
I can't tell if you're kidding or not, so I'll pass on any comment.
After reading your post, my first inclination was to bash you for poor comprehension skills. After giving it some thought, I've decided to give...
Every team will eventually fall off at some point. Nobody stays on top forever, but how can one deny the link between solid recruiting and success...