So we have people who disagree on the pros/cons of the billboard. Looks like Gladiatorial Combat before the game is the only way to settle this....
It's easy to spot you with the hat and all.... [IMG]
I would definately say for a long time there was a rivalry with USC, even though we never played them on the field. It was more of a...
Ramah would disagree about the barn thing having never happened :hihi: :hihi:
My brother is good friends with the guys who cooked this scheme up. Being a more diplomatic sort, he tried to convince them to make the focus on...
This fanbase has already been embarassed by throwing urine bottles at old women and children, setting fire to barns, and kicking puppies in front...
I love this guy. [IMG]
Justice would have been a true masterpiece if it had been studio mixed better. The tunes are wonderful, but man the treble kills me. I didn't like...
Wow how embarrasing for that program.
I don't really remember honestly....
Good to hear Wroten isn't going to be completely derailed from his dreams and the fruits of years of hard work and dedication for smoking a plant.
/Bump Get it while it's hot
Sorry if anyone else has posted this already, but this is a great article about LSU's Tournament climb....
I'd be all for stricter immigration enforcement, but only if they would make the process of legitimate immigration easier to navigate. My brother...
Oh, yeah, anyways, the T-shirt still sucks :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
I know this should be in the FSA, but since people are bringing it up in relation to the shirt... Umm, here's an excerpt from the "Mission...
Those poor muslims and their 1 or 2 bad eggs. Such a peaceful religion too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am going to L.A. this afternoon, and will be there over the weekend. I will definately take some pictures for you guys.
Not a great political move by Bush, but I think alot of the reaction is a bit knee-jerkish. This is NOT a port security and inspection...
A large number of Muslim gas station owners have just been raided for suspected terrorist connections. More info to come from Homeland Security....