Wow. Clock was stopped on an out of bounds, and Ga still blows a T.O.
Buffaloes make red zone stand. Not looking good for Ga.
COlorado driving with 7min left, and fumbles. Ga. ball.
Touchdown Georgia. 13-7 now. Then they burn a crucial t.o. to get 12 men on the field for the extra point. C'mon dawgs grow a pair and represent.
Emphasis added. This is a much different Georgia team. Lots of Redshirts playing today.
I gotta agree that if Georgia not only loses, but gets blown out by Colorado, who is 0-3 with a loss to a 1-AA Team, at home, it is a complete and...
Almost the 4th Qt, and Colorado is blanking Georgia 13-0. Wow. Is Georgia really this bad?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Post edited to make the sarcasm more obvious.
C'mon guys he has a valid point. Matt Flynn is much better at pass coverage than Russell. Flynn would've batted away the ball from the Iowa...
Guess I'm lame, then.
Thanks and welcome. We hope to destroy them all.
I know, I know, you Sooners are a sensitive lot. Hey, I'm looking to buy a new Lexus; are there any good dealerships in Norman?
Russell is on CFN's Heisman Bubble...
Oh come on many players were here longer than Rohan Davey... :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Ok now I'm worried. Any of you guys want to go with me to the health clinic and get checked out? Knowing his mom we are going to need a carpool.
Here's another, showing the gestures to the crowd after the stomp... [IMG]
Are you saying that USC won two National Championships? When was this?
Ouch the excited Cajun-accent announcer on Tigervision is horrible.