nah, that was funny if you take it like he meant it.
and the ole miss game when he insisted upon playing vincent at tailback. we barely won that game in OT, another game we would not have won without JR.
i watched that over and over when it happened and i honestly think it was but it was so close. basically however it was called on the field was...
what are these football tailgate parties you speak of?? :confused: :yelwink2:
i didn't think you were bashing him. i'll also add in arizona state. that game was won, but without special teams karma (and i mean major almost...
there were more than we think. watch the cox replay of the troy game this sunday. it happened alot but was more due to bad run blocking than the...
we should've but a long season was virtually over at that point for LSU after the bama and ole miss losses. should they have won? yes. did the...
A-freaking-men nothing illustrates this more than the contrast btwn miles going for it on 4th in 07 compared to 08. he had the guns and the...
/thread :thumb:
Ok i wanted to start this thread b/c it seems there's a large majority of people that hold Ole Miss as no threat. It seems everyone is laughing...
i will say this, with the losses USC sustained through graduation and the NFL i could see them losing three of these games. they'll prob just lose...
the team is a joke but hbo and nfl films do a great job with the hard knocks series. it's compelling and i'd probably watch one for every team if...
rickey jackson, eric martin, dalton hilliard, deuce, and pat swilling are my all time faves. brees is my current fave and will probably make my...
that's awful, i haven't lost a parent yet but my wife lost her dad at 15 and it was very difficult on her. though we see them cracking pads on...
i thought it was tulane, i could be wrong.
Re: We're playing some football in just 17 days in all honesty though, we are the game they are worrying about because of a lack of other...
i agree with dolemite's post. there's nothing wrong with optimism. but there's nothing wrong with realism either. there are...
:eek:............:thumb: man, the mortgage business that bad? :grin:
i almost put finebaum as an example. another guy just like guilbeau except i really think finebaum is playing a heel.
agreed, it is much easier to do shock journalism than it is to provide analysis and a fair opinion based on what you know. i'm so curious to...