He has never said anything inappropriate about the case if you listen to what he says impartially. Before the trial he wanted a full...
He's probably asked about it every time a reporter gets near him. Better to say his piece and move on. His comments didn't seem inflammatory....
you were downplaying the importance of the o-line. I disagree.
Uhhhh, they won the national championship last year.
Yeah, I understand the definition of kosher, but from a cooking perspective, I'm not cooking out of jewish cookbooks. I have guys that sometimes...
We needed this one
Let's throw kosher salt in the mix too. CS is right on celery salt. Like garlic salt, it's a flavored salt. iodized, sea salt and kosher salt...
Sic 'em CS.
If banging every coed I came in contact with was a fire able offense, then yes, id be gone. But not because I sucker punched a guy. That video is...
I thought Kirilenko was a boxer.
My guess is that he would do anything to avoid "violating probation" and going to jail. This was the right move as the prosecutor couldn't...
I actually agree with your pretty much. We may lose Robinson and replace him with someone else and we may lose a receiver and replace him with...
Seriously?? If I remember correctly, I skull drug you about 5 games in a row before you quit me. However, I will be happy to administer another...
It's all about zona. Truthfully, you have been beating me more than I beat you lately though.
That's a lot of pennies
Here's another interesting star wars fact. I've never seen any of the movies. bits and pieces here and there but I don't even know the storyline.
Nah, this shit's scalable. Much better than that penny thing.
If his probation is revoked his career is over. If it's not revoked and he gets hit with a misdemeanor, it will be some sort of suspension....
I just don't see it as that big of a deal. Sims will go but we have between 3-5 WR recruits that we'll pull that are better. Robinson will be a...