At least you are open minded about it. All of these points about record snowfall causing warming is garbage though. It isn't the first time we...
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Well there is no dispute that those closest that are for man made global warming are there on worst enemy through climate gate and lies. As long...
The building came down because terrorists hijacked airplanes and used them as missiles, end of story in this case. There never has been any...
There show on the 9/11 conspiracy made more sense than the government blowing up the buildings. Hell, I don't give the government that much...
Don't forget that the first WTC attack happened on Clinton's watch. I do blame Bush also, he didn't make the nation more secure by sealing the...
I find this simply hilarious!:rofl: It would seem to make more sense if you took your temperatures away from local factors unless you were...
There was a great show on the National Geographic channel about 9/11 and the WTC last week. They debunked all the conspiracies.
I'm not taking up for Bush here either because I disagreed which his spending as well. Hmmm, 1.3 billion dollar deficit doesn't seem that bad to...
Anything in this forum is a matter of opinion, issues also dictate that even Obama could be good on one issue or bad on another. Socialists and...
What a really dumb poll which made for a really dumb thread.:lol: Here is my poll along the same lines. Is global warming real? Is Bush 41...
I agree but I will say that the Republicans might be the lesser of 2 evils. As bad as they were they didn't out spend the liberals. They also...
Obama, Pelosi, Reid, America's nightmare. Would you expect anything else? Hey, all you had to look at where the polls from this congress about 2...
Most of us don't know for sure about global warming but one thing we know for sure is that many who promote the idea of man made global warming...
I proclaim that this is the year of the Who Dat nation from the Saints to politics. I Want to see all incumbents thrown out of office this year...
No doubt, I never thought I'd live to see New Orleans Saints Super Bowl Champions in the same sentence. Someone please pinch me again!:insane:
That was exactly my point in another thread. I pointed out that if we got rid of the middle man and just paid cash for some things it would be...
I never said it had no effect on the planet, I think a lot of it is absorbed by the environment though. I don't except the premise that Co2 is bad...
Lets try and make this simple. When I talk about global warming being a hoax I am talking about the theory of man made global warming. Yes, I... - U.N. Climate Chief: Critics Should Rub Their Faces With Asbestos Here's one for the global warming alarmists although I don't buy...