The tone of his post. Seems like he was a little rough with his tone for one thing. What he said wasn't the point it is the words he used and the...
I haven't been in the Den or read many posts here in a while. Heck, I probably won't be back until football season unless the baseball team brings...
I have a theory why Democrats are quitting and I would like to run the idea past some of you. My thought is the Democrats don't want to get the...
1)Saints 2)Bama 3)Fla 4)Colts 5)Texas Sorry, I couldn't help myself!:) When was the last time the Saints were considered better than the...
Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online -...
Oh I don't know about that. His wife said for the first time she was proud of her country when Obama was elected. I tried to warn people that...
You bring up a good point. If this administration would quit throwing away large sums of money we could afford to still have a space program. On...
I think we should cut everything across the board, period. If you pick and choose that will be political suicide. People won't take you seriously...
The country is broke, bankrupt, there is no more money period! The politicians have destroyed the country. Any money we are now spending is owned...
I knew it, I deleted the rest for confidential reasons!:lol: The Bush haters are going to be pissed if they ever find out the rest of the story....
Just because the government distorts facts about one thing doesn't mean they distort facts about everything. I don't believe anything the...
No, what I am saying is that sometimes when you change the direction of a program and go with a coaching change players leave even if it is a year...
You are so wrong, Obama hasn't made any proposals to make government smaller. He is only made the government bigger and has proposed to make Nasa...
Agreed!:) Obama isn't canceling the program because he has downsized the government. He is only doing it because of wealth redistribution. He is...
It is more easy for some to believe in a complex conspiracy versus the simple truth. I don't know why?
I don't think this would be a bad thing. LSU basketball is still in transition period. The sooner CTJ's players are here playing his style the...
I would say that Obama is catastrophic to the country. He is trying to remake the country into his image!:popcorn:
I agree, people should stick to their beliefs. There is no doubt that Nasa's space program is sentimental to most and I think that is what is...
I agree, don't know how else to identify them since that is what they are called. Like your names better, I think they need to get a life.
This is the funniest post in this thread:lol: Apparently he was homeschooled by 9/11 truthers!:rofl: