- FBI Investigates Possible Threats Directed at House Democrats What comes around goes around.:lol: The Dems were responsible for...
Even at that rate when you compute what we make, it is still less than what we are paying for insurance.
Re: Banks to lose billions in student loan revamp Read more: I don't know if I disagree with it other...
So much for the argument that the fine would be as much as insurance! It seems to me people could pay the $95 and not have insurance until it is...
The environmental extremists are in this administration. One being Ken Salazar from Colorado. Look at the track record.
Banks to lose billions in student loan revamp - TODAY Technology & Money That should teach the evil private sector. The socialists should be...
You work for an insurance company? I was just wondering when I can receive my insurance check since this health care bill sees to it that I am...
Coverage For Sick Kids Under Question In New Law - Kaiser Health News
I'm glad I'm not the only one who made a bonehead statement.:lol: How do you figure the stimulus worked when the great campaigner himself said...
There you go again living in the past. A bunch of you people made up a rule that we wouldn't discuss the last administration just the one present...
Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’ Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually...
Nothing personal here either I'll just leave it there!
Check this out! Supposedly Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’ LINK Shocking Audio:...
Quote: After a series of complex parliamentary maneuvers, the House approved a massive health care reform package on March 21, 2010, with over...
I'm going to try and be as nice as I can be under the circumstances. I am not interesting in having a political discussion with you ever again...
The problem with this health care plan is that it was designed on purpose so that all the bad things hit us after the November elections That is...
I suspect that if you have to pay for some of Obama's spending habits next year this time you will be singing like a canary. On the same day Dem...
Ok, I DO NOT like to think this but it seems to me that one would wonder that Obama is smart and does know this? He hasn't done anything to create...
I'm totally aware of that. You have to start somewhere but if the Republicans can run on ending this debacle and get control of the house and...
I don't know if it would be legal for me to post so I won't for now. This link is a petition from The Senate Conservatives Fund, chaired by U.S....