I refuse to watch it.
Thats what I heard. Where did you get that? I was told it wasnt printed yet. From what I heard tonight there is even more trouble brewing....
I heard Kiffin pulled another bizarre stunt over the weekend. I dont know if there is an article about it but I bet something comes out in the...
Miles is being purposely vague. He is coaching speaking to Shep and hedging his bet on the QB deal. We'll have to see how it goes in the spring....
I saw this earlier. The article I read said the seas were 4' and increased to 7' later in the day. Thats a little more than I would go out in on a...
I think the interview was Sunday night but the Gov just called him out today. I heard the reporter was actually a photographer! You could hear...
Jim Calhoun blows up a reporter who asks him about a salary cut in the wake of Connecticut's 2 billion dollar budget shortfall. Then the...
Totally agree with most of this. Buying public stock is a serious long term issue. There is little that needs to be said about it because I...
Look, a pot and a kettle. Introduce yourselves. :lol:
You dont say? :wave: