I dont think its being apologetic to have high hopes for Obama. I didnt vote for him but I dont want him to fail. However, you must call a spade a...
Thats the bill I was talking about. Not sure how the collapse argument worked its way into the normal spending bill. He has the power Red. We...
I hope they dig DEEP on this one. I have a feeling there was a bunch of money laundered out to friends and family before the shiat hit the fan....
I think that article is a bit of a hack job. Gill Brandt had an interesting write up about Smith on NFL.com that was not anything like this thing....
If he thinks timing is everything he missed a golden opportunity here. The timing couldnt be better for him to stamp his authority on his...
Here's the thing, if government would start doing whats right for the country instead of what serves whatever lobby or special interest has their...
It was not in the bag in 05 like it was in 03. We started this conversation discussing the 03 legislation then somehow the 05 legislation got...
Sure it makes sense. The Hagel legislation research contained seasoned information that wasnt available in 2003. It would have been a little more...
As of tonight I'm hearing Kiffin is still safe no matter what happens with this most recent dust up.
They did not have the majority needed. This was a politically correct hot potato that was a whisper away from a filibuster they couldnt squash. If...
Whats so news breaking about this? They already had the dems bought and paid for. Of course they are going to target republicans because EVERY...
There is a rumor someone may have proof he said it. If a recording comes out its going to put Tennessee in a difficult situation.
Well there ya have it. Thats all the evidence Frank needed. A simple 'no sir" comment. What a fuggin joke.
Look at the compromises the Dems worked into the legislation. Frank and the Dems took a stand that FANNIE/FREDDIE didnt need more regulation. He...
This is the same douche bag who in 2002 stymied the republican move to tighten back up on Fannie Mae and said "even if Fannie Mae fails the...
The NCAA enforcement staff is a cluster phuck of inconsistency. There is no way they are going to try and hammer the gumps for this. Im told if...
There is so much shiat going on at Tenn right now you would think it was a manure dump. It happens so fast I cant begin to tell how much my ear...
Thats pure gold. :lol:
No I wasnt kidding. Obviously it was about a celebration covering a certain time period but I've honestly never seen that word used before.
You're smarter then that Red. The pieces of the puzzle that caused the slide began WAY, WAY before 2007. Legislation in 1993 started a series of...