You dont have many, if any, private citizens 401(k) in a hedge fund. Hedge funds are made for the big time investor's and large businesses. I bet...
That's from a blog and over a week old. We still dont know the exact amount they paid even with it discounted. They still bought senior debt and...
While he may be paying off his backers its a politically correct thing to do. Its easy to spit out the lines about "saving the auto industry" and...
Im actually not as concerned about Obama's involvement as I am about the stupid congress continuing to fund this fantasy without looking at the...
More and more of the details are now coming to light. Expect to have the creditors names revealed later today. Here is a perfect example of...
Have no idea. I havent talked to him in a couple weeks. I'll see what I can find out.
Gettelfinger is in la la land. How is the UAW taking any risk when their only choices were concessions or no jobs at all? Their so called...
The government will come in and "secure" the unsecured debt because of the unions and make another $hitty investment.
I think a lot of people from the suburbs of New Orleans consider themselves to be from New Orleans even if they didnt live in the city proper. I...
A good photo shop could have accomplished the same thing for 100'th of the cost. The guy behind this should be getting his walking papers soon.
Tirk takes his medicine well! :lol: He was right about Gholston though, at least so far. Gholston was the invisible man last season. Its too...
From Obama's press conference last night. No reason to fear, Obama has it under control. Ironically he is saying exactly the same thing George...
B-R-A-V-O. It wont go over well though.
Spector has acted more like a democratic centrists then a republican centrist for some time. Not really surprised by this move. I dont think its...
Here's another name, LeSean McCoy. He is a freakin steal for a late 2nd round pick. non-bust!
Aaron Curry. Great player with great attitude and work ethic.
This is an interesting situation. Most of the controversial stuff surrounding Kiffin has been more of a concern to the administration, not the...
Im pretty damn open minded but how anyone could consider Olbermann & Maddow's rhetoric less vicious than Hannity or O'Reilly is beyond my...
Dont really care what Smith says about this issue but I have never liked him. He sensationalizes too much and I hate watching the guy.
Dorsey played a LOT better in the last half of the season compared to the first. His first half play had major bust written all over him, his last...