I have read many sources that DNA confirmed the stiff was OBL. And he was buried at sea, in an undisclosed location to eliminate the chance of a...
Actually, in the last hour I read a piece on a “liberal” news site that blasted Warren, focusing on her inept handling of her so-called Indian...
How do you Trump supporters give a pass to Trump on his near continuous lying? Lying that is so pervasive these cable news cretins are making a...
Bingo!!! That is the trap that way too many of you fall in to. Being against Trump, his lies and trangressions DOES NOT MAKE ONE FOR Pelosi,...
Recommend a crash course in Japan’s thinking prior to WWII. How’d that work out for them?
My solution is if you are on scholarship and bail early before the last game of your team, you reimburse the university for four years . . ....
I agree. Actually, really great managers come in tough, the organization adjusts, and then it becomes easier as the organization finds it easy to...
I do not know how much influence the O-Line coach really exerts, but if he really does change things (schemes, technique, motivation) I vote here....
The best, most inciteful comment on race, I have seen, was by a columnist for the Raleigh, News and Observer, Barry Saunders: “The problem is that...
The problem with the refs is that the game gets faster and faster, and the refs are not able to keep up. Football has gotten too intense, and...
I expected 7, hoped for 8, so on that basis, pretty good year. On a play by play basis, not so good. Too many mistakes and penalties. Very...
My observations: 1) The score does not reflect the azz kicking that took place. Time of possession does. 2) Once again, the officiating was pretty...
Geaux Tigers, time to crank up the DVR!!,
Happy New Year to you and all Tiger Fans
Her lies are like those of others. “Power” is an enabler, whether intellectual, the Clintons, financial, Trump, or political, Warren. They come...
I don’t follow the Ducks, but I thought they were known for cutting edge if not over the top unis. Damn, those jerseys looked like something a...
I think I would seriously consider seeking asylum, somewhere (upper crust) if Kamamla Harris won the presidency. Never heard her say anything...
Warren’s reception has been chilly. She has a lot of problems within her party, before you even look at Independents and GOPers.
I feel there is very little 'news' on most Cable News shows. If you equate to print media, almost all the TV stuff would be under OP-ED rather...