What is incredible is that there is nothing going on, or percolating, to improve the US of A. Everything is focused on getting Trump. And, now...
Gives new meaning to taking it up the azz!...
Uhmmmmm . . . Not to defend Hitler, but the NAZIs had little if anything in common with socialism, and none after the mid 30s. Please don’t say...
As Hillary ran people into Trump’s camp, we are fixing to have legions run into the GOP’s opponent’s (Trump’s) camp. And @tirk is exactly right,...
Based on the lunatics running the Democratic Party, I’m concerned the moderates may be crushed. If in doubt, view the GOP.
I’m sure it was just me, many find it hilarious.
I read that book and did not like it. Felt like I was just missing something.
Speaking of dumb . . . . We are about to have an international summit between two leaders that control nuclear weapons. One describes the summit...
I couldn’t find a better place to put this disgusting photo. Check out those feet. Gives me the willies!!! [IMG]
Looks great. Love the Eye of Tiger wall.
I would pay that from personal savings to not have to hear “racism” again.
Don’t worry. That sucker will be leaked before the ink is dry.
The more I think about this the more and more stupider it seems. Solution so simple. If Dems gave Trump his 5.7 billion, they could have gotten...
I’d never heard of the guy. Still don’t know anything other than name. Am certain I will not try to learn more.
Kind of like when the Dems cut the 60 vote deal in the Senate....what was it, 5 years and they were regretting the hell out of it. I’d wager that...
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Here is my school story. Teaching 8th grade algebra. Front row was the stereotypical 8th grade nerd/dork. Behind him was a very pretty girl, who...
It is staggering that the initial challengers to Trump are such a bunch of idiots. Now the question is worse or worst!
Damn, just damn.