The problem is not with the transmitters (those that post), but with the idiots that believe the crap and respond to it. In our country, like it...
This! So much of today’s productions seem so dark. I tried to watch “Gotham” but it was routinely dark. Other stuff the same. One reason I like...
Though I think right much of Mayor Pete, that’s pretty funny.
I’m too old for that shit. My fantasy is a strong flow of urine!
I’m confident that the more WORTHLESS the degree, the more complaining. OBTW, many talking heads, that are chairs of such departments appear as...
I’ll never forget that game. I got in deep shit with the upperclass midshipmen by cheering so hard for LSU. Most of those guys were Yankees and ND...
Anything having to do with government or it’s agencies should require a valid government issued ID. It is so simple.
Epic! ( I don't think I have used that word before, but it seemed appropriate!)
That is too funny!
For those keeping score: (This is from WAPO, but I have seen the data in several other sources) President Trump has boasted at various points...
Very funny. 10/18 I’ve meant to ask, do you guys like him as your senator? I have often, in my days in Washington, been accused of playing the...
Do ANY of the current candidates represent you?
I don't think the answer is either LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE but I would greatly prefer someone with unquestionable integrity. Unfortunately in...
The other morning on Morning Joe (I know) mayor Pete was asked how he ended up, with his "elite" education, in Afghanistan. He gave the most...
This is not difficult. The fact that Trump is a dishonest grifter has nothing to do with Hillary. I voted for neither, and I detest Hillary more...
I live in New Bern, NC. Established in 1710. Tryon Palace, in New Bern, was the first capitol of NC. The palace was built in 1770. [IMG]...
I know a lot of you are declaring victory based on the Mueller Report. And undoubtedly Mueller DID NOT find Trump guilty of either conspiracy...
I’m sure there’s a lot of that I did not “get,” but I still damn near pissed in my pants laughing. Damn.
Dayum. That’s the true Christian spirit. I’m an Anglican Catholic, aka, Episcopalian.
Just terrible. Been watching burn away all afternoon. OBTW, it’s not just “Catholic” Holy Week.