We have a winner - and on the first guess, too! Well done. (just luck, but was good luck!) :geaux:
THinking back - Nevis, Jackson, Hebert - all were hurt at some point in the game tonight. Any word on how serious their injuries may be? What...
Yeah - Prozakk is definitely off his medications......:insane:
Anyone who tanks a play out of spite or "in protest" is an ass and needs to be sitting on it. That sort of thing may happen in the pros, but I...
Yes - he had a GREAT game - he is really FAST off the ball, isn't he? Looking forward to seeing more of him. :geaux:
He's probably thinking Georgia, Bama and Ole Miss..... I'm thinking we should win two of those three. Just don't ask me which ones.... some of...
After one of Byrd's drops, you could hear the coach yell at him from the sideline - "You've gotta catch that damned ball!" Byrd - who is usually...
Oops - Yep, Fishhead, it looks like there's another empty seat on the bandwagon where 1968 jumped off.... it's a shame you aren't allowed to jump...
You may want to re-evaluate your rant after the brilliant second half played by the Tigers' D. Obviously, you had forgotten that there are...
EXACTLY! :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: :geaux:
Nor is Miles as cold as Carroll. fUSC won today by 69-0 (Granted, they played what may be the worst team in the nation, but GEEZ!) it only takes...
I think this is the week where the team leaders step up and require every Tiger to do the same. I believe the Tigers will win tonight - and look...
I don't want to predict a score, but I think we'll see better execution on both sides of the ball. I particularly expect a fine performance from...
I hope the Tigers win in a game that has great execution on both sides of the ball. I do expect to see a more "spirited" effort from the Tigers.
Absolutely. Not what I would call good "situational awareness".
Alas, this is not a new problem. Thomas Paine, writing at the time of the American Revolution, stated: "The summer soldier and the sunshine...
I believe it's 1-0, being the game that resulted in the 1958 Championship....
Geez. I thought it was for "Still Stupid in Alabama". :geaux:
Truer words were never written. That's the only real bright spot we can take away from the last game. That huge "THUD" we all heard Saturday...
Other than suits, etc, I don't think I own a piece of clothing that isn't Purple and Gold. (But I fix that with a Purple and Gold tie!) This has...