Major adjustment in the score......:wink:
Who'd have ever thought that the Troy game would be this memorable. Or that you'd be proud that you were THERE or "THERE" (in the case of us who...
Yeah, but if you're gonna play someone who can actually play, do it with style and play a "name" team. That would be a lot more satisfying when...
Faith can move mountains. AND WIN FOOTBALL GAMES!!!!! What do you think of CLM now, Frogleg (and henchmen)?...
Which coaching staff do you think they would prefer? You REALLY think they'd do the old "cut off your nose to spite your face" thing? These...
Stop listening. That will make your pain go away.:wink:
So which definition applies to Toole's " A Confederacy of Dunces"? Still one of my favorite N.0. stories. :geaux:
Link: ESPN The Magazine has this great article - a good read! Favorite line: "I'm not sure...
Bingo. :geaux:
Glad you brought that up. I lived in Denver from 1983 through 1998 - which is just about the same time Elway was QB in Denver. Elway wasn't just...
Don't forget that Florida offense. They can attack you in so many ways. Remember, too, that it took two QB's for you to beat LSU - yours AND...
Just curious, what do you feel CLM could have done to be better prepared? Last December (just 11 short months ago) Perriloux was leading the team...
Glad to see you've stepped back from the ledge, Sourdough....I was worried about you, my friend! I've seen enough picks for the rest of my life -...
Yes, Peterson is looking very promising. Can't wait to see him next season - he'll be a real game-changer! :geaux:
The defense did play much, much better today - but it did look like a lot of the Tigers on D were tackling high - perhaps going for a strip -...
I agree with your statement. I believe the coaches decisions are based on a lot more "intel" than we fans have. BUT - I HONESTLY expected to see...
WEll put, Tigerhoss. A few weeks ago there was a thread about "spoiled Florida Fans." A lot of threads tonight seem to be started and...
Hey - All of ya'll who aren't gonna watch anymore - can I have your tickets? I really love LSU football and I never get to or lose, I...
You are wrong. Perriloux is gone. Learn to live with reality. :geaux:
AAAAhhh - the Voice of Reason. I knew you were out there somewhere... I agree with you 100%. :geaux: