Does anything besides net really matter? and you would have to show me some support for that contention anyway, because government payrolls were...
Even here you claim you support regulations which are "reasonable," as if that means something. I'm an independent bro, and while I railed...
You've done all the research for me. The graph you posted shows net job grwoth of around 100,000 jobs. Exactly what the Washington Post...
You keep saying that. When I see even one opinion of yours that is not in lock step with the party line, I'll beleive it. Obama has sealed...
Even you democrats should be ashamed at the level of hypocrisy.
So fucking this!!! The greatest social justice engine of the modern world is economic development. Wall Street drives it.
Is this a game or do you not know the difference between gross and net?
Donate all your non deductible income to charity. Boom. Pay me later.
Romney has no chance. I don't even know why we are having an election. Obama is terrible, and will win the electoral college in a landslide.
And the crux of it is this. The people for gay marraige continually beat the drum that is about the rights, but that is a lie. It is about the...