Pastime is just jealous because their pizza is really bad. I know a lot of people love it, but I can't for the life of me understand why. It is...
Is this your retort? Cause first that... Then this: And this after you told me I was so far to the right something or other. Are you typing...
For one the government screwed over GM bondholders and gave preference to the unions in the restructure. But bigger than that, The Treasury...
No dude you got it all wrong. You are so far to the left you can't even see that the government taking control of the auto industry is a...
A failed auto industry would have been bad in the short term, but something would have taken its place. Either foreign manufactures would have...
All politicians do this, but Obama is especially empty. Romney might answer a qustion in ten meaningless words. Obama would talk for twenty...
I agree with the latter, but not the former. Obama is a terrible debater, and there is no substance to anything he says. He speaks in ambiguous...
I'm glad Obama didn't murder the wives of any of the ten thousand or so GM Dealership employees he laid off after his regime took over GM. That...
No dude, Nazis made Europe suck.
This is a mid-August concession. Ryan does nothing to change the electoral math. At this point Romney knows he cannot win, and Ryan was the...
I didn't lie. Will you anser me? Do you support the Bush/Obama bailouts?
It's hard to miss at the top of your head.
Gotta respect Les's ability to make the tough call.
And had we allowed the market to work, they would have eliminated themselves. Instead we infused the greedy bastards with billions of dollars....
Imitation pork rib FTW.
Outside of the meaningless social issues you have described BOTH parties. Can't you see this? Can you also not see the economic policies being...
Yes that is called anemic job growth. It is caused by his stupid policies and his funding of stupid pet projects through wasteful boondoggles...
Public education is horribly ineffective, in case you hadn't heard.
Dude, I was working for the DOL when ARRA dollars were rolling through. Hundreds of thousands of positions, state, local, and federal were funded...